A washroom is a beautiful thing… but so is our planet
Sylan are proud to provide sustainable, low impact environmental washrooms
When it comes to our environmental policy, there’s only one colour in the range. Green. For example, the beautiful veneers we use are all the more beautiful for being certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. Forests monitored and managed according to FSC principles are committed to sustaining and renewing the life of the forest and to supporting the communities that live there. That’s important to us and our clients. But most of all its important to the world we live in.
We are always looking for new ways to reduce our impact. Burning off cuts to heat our premises, investing in our very own biomass burner while putting an end to our landfill use altogether. Because, whichever colour you choose for your own environment, our firm belief is that only one colour is suitable for the one we all care about.
Small steps, but a big reduction in our footprint.